SERVICES OFFERED (Water/Sewage Treatment Plant)
Water Distribution
Complete civil design with chemical dosage, mechanical design of pumps and pipe line sizing, including all components except electrical.
Major components
Finished water storage
Distribution system
Water pumping and storage
Bulk water station
Water Treatment Plant
Design of filtration of water with respect to physical , chemical, microbiological properties of drinking water as per IS 10500 or WHO standards "Guidelines for drinking-water quality", considering turbidity – color – odour – taste – temperature properties of water.
Major component's (Design/Sizing & Drawing's)
Raw water settling pond
Coagulation (coagulant tank, chemical specification and dosage)
Sedimentation (with and without coagulants)
Disinfection/chlorination, lime dosing
Process laboratory and testing
Distribution (pumping and pipe line design with ESR, GSR & other storage methods)
Detail design and drawings of additional Filtration components which can be added as per requirement
Primary treatment
Maintaining PH and added flocculants and coagulation chemical
Biology treatment
Organic matter degradation with the help of aerobic bacteria
Dual media filter
Ultra filtration
Calculation of MLSS, MLVSS, dissolved oxygen and chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand of pretreated water and post treated water.
For Detail Service-Specific List of Clients/Work's Done/Scope of services pls Contact on